New Zealand
One Agency Luxury Property
Danielle Yang

Danielle Yang

Personal Assistant英语One Agency Luxury Property
022 40 ...
For sale
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Agent Introduction

Danielle Yang joined Jon's team as his personal assistant in April 2014. Danielle has gained Property degrees in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, as well as in Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. Having worked in a British bank for 5 years, Danielle moved to Auckland in 2013 and completed a postgraduate diploma in Property from Auckland University. Born in China, she understands both Chinese culture and business environments very well. Danielle is fluent in both Mandarin and English.

Through her studies and working alongside Jon, Danielle is very quickly gaining a comprehensive understanding of the New Zealand commercial property market. Working very closely as a team, Danielle is actively engaged in every stage of the process. Danielle is committed to this career and eager to make a difference for the benefit of all our clients.