New Zealand
Tourism Property Brokers Ltd, Licenced: REA 2008, T/A
Carolynn Crawford

Carolynn Crawford

Tourism Business Broker英语Tourism Property Brokers Ltd, Licenced: REA 2008, T/A
021 24 ...
For sale
Properties sold(last 24 months)
Average price of properties sold(last 24 months)

Agent Introduction

After a successful career in business, tourism and hospitality Carolynn’s early success in realestate came quickly. She has worked alongside and learnt from some of Australasia’s best agents in both Australia and Auckland. As a tourism and hospitality specialist, Carolynn has broadened the focus of her business dealing with a range of beautiful rural and coastal properties in the Greater Auckland area.

Carolynn communicates openly and honestly while achieving optimum results, and this has been the basis of her successful real estate career. Her broad and varied background and empathetic communication style enables Carolynn to build trust and rapport quickly with her clients. She works hard for them, knowing that the decision to sell a home is an important one and it must be done professionally.

Why is Carolynn successful?

• Well planned and targeted marketing campaigns
• Bringing qualified buyers to view the property
• Concentrating the marketing to gain maximum exposure in the shortest possible time.
• Professionalism, honesty and integrity

Now living and working in the Auckland Region after much international experience, Carolynn has a lot of passion for the region and empathy for those purchasers who are looking to move into the tourism and hospitality industry and can add value to vendor clients in the industry wishing to market their business or property.