... and back while the kettle boils - how convenient ...
And, with Early Childcare Centre's, Glen Eden Primary, Parks, Glenora Rugby Club, Medical Centre, Supermarket, Library, Eateries and Train Station equally well-located, finding what you need and getting to where the action is in no time at all is hassle free from this comfortable 70s-built home. Right-of-way positioning for peace and quiet, mature gardens, fencing, privacy and off- street parking for 3-4 cars further sets the scene here ...
The home itself provides for pleasant family living but could also represent a creative workshop in terms of what you could further fashion here given time and money. Sturdiness, generous legroom, tranquility, a sunny aspect, open plan living, rumpus, and an expansive deck are already in play and provide great potential if wanting to check out that avenue.
If this sounds like your cup of tea come, join us at one of the open homes (we'll supply the biscuits).