Nestled on the North Island of New Zealand, this vibrant city is a hub of entertainment and commerce. With a population of approximately [insert population], it boasts a bustling business district, several shopping centers, a variety of restaurants and cafes, and abundant educational resources. The city highlights include a dynamic business district, diverse shopping experiences, a culinary paradise, and high-quality educational institutions. Welcome to this vibrant city and immerse yourself in its unique charm!
Updated on October 09, 2024
Aktualisierungsdatum der Daten: 2024 Jahr 12 Monat 11 Tag
Gebäudewert$630,000Anstieg um 14% im Vergleich zu 2017
Grundstückswert$390,000Anstieg um 56% im Vergleich zu 2017
Staatlicher Schätzwert(2021 Jahr 06 Monat)$1,020,000Anstieg um 27% im Vergleich zu 2017
AussichtNo appreciable view
TitelartUnit Title
RechtsbeschreibungAU 23 DP 185632, AU 24 DP 185632, UNIT 4B DP 185632
GemeinderatAuckland - City
EigentumsbeschreibungSTFH,1/1,UNIT 4B AND ACCESSORY UNIT 23-24 DEPOSITED PLAN 185632